Common Acronyms/Definitions

Common Acronyms/Definitions
CBO – Community Based Organization
CCELL – Citywide Council on English Language Learners
CCHS – Citywide Council on High Schools
CCSE – Citywide Council on Special Education
Charter School – A publicly funded, independently run school granted greater flexibility in its operations.
CPAC – Chancellor’s Parent Advisory Council. Comprised of the presidents of Presidents’ Council.
CTE – Career and Technical Education
District 75 – D75 provides citywide educational, vocational, and behavior support programs for students who are on the autism spectrum, severely emotionally challenged, and/or multiply disabled. There is a D75 Citywide Council.
DLP – Dual Language Program
DLT – District Leadership Team
ECC – Education Council Consortium. The ECC is comprised of CEC and Citywide council members. They meet with the Chancellor every six weeks to discuss citywide and education
ELA – English Language Arts
ELL – English Language Learner
FACE – Division of Family and Community Engagement
G&T/TAG – Gifted and Talented/Talented and Gifted
ICT – Integrated Co-Teaching (also called “inclusion class” or CTT: Collaborative Team Teaching)
IEP – Individual Education Plan
PA/PTA – Parent Association/ParentTeacher Association
Para – A paraprofessional is a classroom assistant who may work with an entire class or one student with a disability. They are not certified teachers.
PC/Parent Coordinator – A member of the school staff that is the liaison between the parents and the school administration and teachers.
PEP – Panel for Educational Policy. The PEP is comprised of one appointee from each borough, and six members appointed by the Mayor. They make decisions on colocations, DOE contracts, Chancellor’s Regulations, etc. They are the de facto School Board.
President’s Council – Comprised of the presidents of each district’s PA/PTAs.
SLT – School Leadership Team. A group of parents, teachers, and administrators that writes and updates the CEP (Comprehensive Educational Plan) each year and confer about curriculum and
Title I – Schools designated from the Federal law authorizing extra funding to high poverty area schools with students who need academic help.
Zoned School – The school to which a student is geographically assigned, based on their address.